Missions included support of II Field Force HQ, Recondo
School at Nha Trang, the various A, B, and C teams, ROK headquarters and
troop units, reinforcement of our sister companies, and various combat
assaults in support of any unit short of aircraft. We specialized in the
support of organizations that still don't exist.
Not to be confused
with the fine fellows and families of the Gun Platoon of the same
callsign of the 187th Assault Helicopter Company, formerly stationed at
Tay Ninh, Republic of Viet Nam, but now also on the inactive list. Find
the other Rat Pack at the Crusaders Home
Page. Whoever took their autographed photo of the real RatPack,
(Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis, Peter Lawford, etc), give it back!
Roster of the platoon members whose names I
can remember. Send me more. The roster will undoubtedly contain names of
those more (in)famous for their work as Bandit or Wolf Pack, 'cuz the
bosses assigned many to us for training. Glad to have'm. The roster page
links to the "before" and "after" photos of some of the guilty parties.
[Soon, links to unidentified photos.]
Coming not so soon: pictures of days in the lives of the RatPack. I
have almost 600 slides and b&w prints of aircraft, scenery, missions,
clouds, and, of course, the people of my first tour. I'll get the people
first, then the flying pix and some scenery. All in due time, as if 30+
years wasn't enough time. Then, off to the museum with them all.
Need some art work, too. The platoon office door in 1967 had a pencil
sketch of a V formation of rats in a cloud of dust. Anybody out there
know where it went? I can't even find a photo of it. CPT John Hopper
(Hoppy) was the platoon leader in mid-1967 when we named the platoon. |